Cosmetic composite restorations
Fast, inexpensive and cost effective system of restoring broken frontal teeth, fractured frontal teeth, closing gaps between teeth or black triangles along the gum line, restoration of defective small underdeveloped frontal teeth to the normal size and shape.
Dr. Kabak or Dr. Yurchuk in Blue Heron Dental Center (London, Ontario) use the innovative system Bioclear developed by Dr. CLARK in collaboration with 3M company.
Our Cases
Female patient, 41 years old. Composite restorations on two lower frontal teeth closed 2mm space. Used Bioclear System. The patient is happy with the result. Pictures before and after closing a gap with Bioclear system. The Bioclear System is perfect for closing spaces between teeth, for treating undersized teeth, correcting 'black triangles' between teeth.

Picture 1. Before

Picture 2. After